Ran to Strathmore Alberta by temporallobe at Garmin Connect - Details
- Weather: Low of -6c High of 11c (21.2 F to 51.8 F) A little wind and cloudy
- Distance for today: 39.66 km (24.66 mi) Cold, little wind.
- Total Distance to Date: 6597.98 kl (4109.96 miles)
- Song of the Day: Michael Moore "Here Comes Trouble" Audio Book.
Sorry for yesterday's "picture incident". I am at the same Boston Pizza and I have brought all my cords so I will add some pictures.
One thing about the Prairies is it really does all sort of look the same. What I mean by that is when running on the highway. Well there is not allot of difference between shots.
Hello Strathmore and see you soon Calgary |
An uphill battle |
We picked up a hitchhiker. How could we say no? |
Less than a Marathon from Calgary!! |
A picture of the yesterday's weather. |
The next couple of days are going be really busy. So I am prepping for the upcoming "stimulus" overload for my damaged brain.
I can see the Rocky Mountains in the distance. I also want to thank all those who follow me on Twitter my twitter account is http://twitter.com/Temporallobe
I am filled with emotions today. I don't know why. It was just a deep day. My brain is running a little bit on overdrive and my thoughts are going from yelling one minute at politicians who can "loose" millions of dollars in this Canada North scandal I am not surprised the government broke it's own law. I am not surprised they have this much money to spend when they say there is no money for healthcare, teachers, education, etc, etc. What I am surprised at is the lack of response from the citizens. The me's and you's of the country.
That's our money. Yet it is not going where we want it to go. We are so numb to this kind of action. We suffer a from a form of shock. We feel powerless. I know I did.
I got angry. I got mad. I wanted to know how this could happen (The lack of long term resources for brain injury) in today's world.
So I understand why people feel helpless. These actions are so far from removed from reality. We can't even think about that. The majority of us have a family member who needs medical help, we are working more than one job. We are paying our mortgage. We worried about groceries. It's surreal.
I don't know. Today was emotional. I have a Facebook friend named DJ who responded to me today and this was his statement when I was talking about how cold it was today.
"Remember those who will never leave assisted living while you are running".
He's right.
I don't know I was in my head allot today. Random rant I know. Just one of those brain day's