Salmon Arm through Sorrento to Chase by temporallobe at Garmin Connect - Details
- Weather: Low of -2c High of 3c (28.4F to 37.4F) Mild rain all day.
- Distance for today: 39.52 km (24.56 mi)
- Total Distance to Date: 7191.72 kl (4476.43 mi)
Woke up and met Deputy Mayor Kevin Flynn Salmon Arm at McGuire Lake!!
Deputy Mayor of Salmon Arm Kevin Flynn |
McGuire Lake |
It was the Mayors idea to meat at McGuire Lake.
Then as we were leaving met up with Magda and her Husband surprised us. Magda is the Social Marketing Manager of BrainTrust. They caught by surprise and took us out for coffee. It was just a great surprise. They drove for two hours to come meat us
These guys were great it Leslie and Hallah and Mom Dana. It was Leslies B-day!! |
Then we went to the Kamloops Blazers vs Edmonton The Oil Kings hockey game. (Blazer won 5-2) With Terry-Lynn Executive director of the Kamloops Brain Injury Association and her Grandson Owen.
Hockey Game Interview |
On the Big Screen Baby |
We attempted to head over to Terry-Lynn's house for dinner however she lives on top of Sun Peaks mountain. This was a small issue with a motorhome towing the CRV. After a about an hour or so we managed to get out of the snow and ice and get back to town.
We tried to park at a Best Western to plug into the car heaters for the night. However we were turned away. We then headed to our next usual spot of a Wall-Mart however this Wall-Mart had a "no over night parking" sign on it. So we drove around for a bit and stopped at a Costco. This seamed to work.
It was getting on in the day and I needed to pass out pretty soon. So I put together yesterday's quick blog and went to bed.
Salmon Arm through Sorrento to Chase by temporallobe at Garmin Connect - Details
- Weather: Low of 0c High of 8c (32F to 46.4F) Mild rain all day.
- Distance for today: 41.59km (25.84 mi)
- Total Distance to Date: 7233.31 kl (4502.27 mi)
We did manage to get up to Terry-Lynns for dinner. She is a fantastic women, her and her husband we both just pleasant, intelligent people. I am still shocked when I meat "normal" people. That leaves me to belief that either I am not normal, or there just are not allot of normal people out there. There is another possibility that maybe I am just meeting them on a non-normal day.
I just like interesting, intelligent people.
We had a fantastic dinner and I ate my usual portion of 4 peoples worth of food. Then we drove back to the Motor home parked in Costco.
Off to sleep now it's going to be a busy day tomorrow.
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