Sunday, November 20, 2011

Passing Through Kelowna!!

Passing Through Kelowna!! by temporallobe at Garmin Connect - Details

  • Weather: Low of -12c High of -2c (10.4 F to 28.4 F) A little cloudy. No wind. 
  • Distance for today: 35.66 km (22.15 mi) 
  • Total Distance to Date: 7316.18 kl (4553.75 mi)

After a much needed sick day. I was up and moving this morning. Melissa picked up from the Hotel at 10:40 and we drove back a little bit to the part of the run I had to stop so we needed to run that bit, before driving ahead and picking up where I left up after the 10km run from the day before. 

It was really cold today. There was not a significant wind so that was nice. I had to change gloves as my fingers started to freeze. I still find it interesting when my water bottle freezes. 

However I am once again in awe at how beautiful it is. I highly recommend you get out and take a look at what is just outside your door. While I don't recommend running across the country. I do recommend a nice walk, or hike, or a bike ride. It's a totally different vantage point when your not in the car. 

I am feeling better but I am still sick. As we didn't start the run until a little later I ran until sunset and called it a day when I couldn't see the black ice on the road. 

Feeling a little better

What a view



It's a little cold!! Yes that's ice. 

More beautiful scenory. 
Another amazing day. 


  1. Saw you out running today and it prompted me to look up a "run to remember". You looks strong out there and running and raising awareness for a good cause. I'll pass on the word!

  2. Joseph and Cheryl Chrysdale in Toronto sending you positive vibes to feel better, David!
    For sure nothing too terrible can happen with Melissa backing you up.

  3. David, Great work!! You have been a huge help to many people who are dealing with problems that came from a brain injury. You are a true inspiration!! I had a seizure yesterday and another today and both times my first thought was you! A tough young man who is running across Canada to raise money and awareness for brain injuries. Thank you for all you are doing David. I don't let these seizures get me down. I feel a little pooped and have some pain for a while but I just keep reminding myself that I have not come this far to let these seizures get in my way!! I will get these seizures under control and when they are I am gonna get my memory working better and I am gonna live life which includes work, fun, family, learning and helping others. Best of luck to you, You are gonna complete what you started. Sean "life is a gift so enjoy it to the fullest" Deleau

  4. Nice work Dave! Still following you since we stopped you on the road back on August 26! Are you headed over the Coquihalla Highway? That will be one heck of a climb! Keep up the good work!


  5. Thanks Champion PT!! That is fantastic.

    Joseph and Cheryl Thanks. Today was I was feeling better so it must have been the vibes you sent ;')

    Sean you truly are the inspiration. I am so very lucky to have met someone like you. You are amazing!

    Martin, we will not be taking the coquihalla as it does not run through any towns. Part of the run is to reach out to as many people on the way as we can. So we are going on the other highway.

    Thanks to everyone for the comments. It always makes me feel better.
