Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Today was an amazing day. Talk about sensory overload.

Short post because it is really late. It was a monumental day that I still processing. I will update more tomorrow but here is a short note of the day.

In the morning I was met by a news crew and reporter,

Then I ran,

After running about 25 km We stopped to head to the Nanaimo Brain injury Society.

I met the Mayor of Nanaimo and had a run to remember day declared.

I met so many fantastic people. Oh my gosh what a group. From the caretakers to the fresh brained ( I like that better than a survivor)

I was so dumb struck when one of my hero's showed up. Capt. Trevor Greene

This man is a Hero. In the full sense of the word. Not only did he serve  in the Military where he survived a brutal head injury. He has one of the best senses of humor.

I was speechless today. I was so moved that he took the time to come out to the Brain Injury Society. I still get uncomfortable when people call me a hero, or a role mode, or inspiring. This is the man that inspires me. I am in awe. When people ask how I can keep going. I don't know what to say, other than I am truly so lucky. How can I possibly not be motivated when we are surrounded by the true hero's.

I am actually finding words hard right now. It was very moving. I don't know what to say. I met a hero. Enough said

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