- Weather today: 30 Celsius (81 Fahrenheit) Humidity 39% (at it's highest)
- Today’s run distance: 42.10 km (26.16 miles)
- Run distance to day: 3195.71 km (1990.30 miles)
- Song of the day: CBC Radio App on my 3G I phone
Today we were back to running. It was sad to be leaving my family. I felt like I didn't have enough time. However I had an amazing couple of days. Ontario and Toronto have been fantastic!
I got some fantastic new shoes from Spira. The weather was a little bit cooler and I had some fantastic fuel from a great meal from my cousin.
Hello Mississauga |
Running through Oakville |
Donation by a driver who came back. His brother had a brain injury |
Running Dave |
Running Dave |
and more running. |
Today was a beautiful run through Mississauga and along Lake Ontario. I was feeling fantastic. Lots of honks and support on the road today. Melissa drove ahead of us in the RV after a little bit of running. Then she drove ahead of us to a Walmart where I am currently uploading my run data in a Starbucks. It's 7:32 and I am off to stretch and sleep!
Feeling really good.
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