- Weather today: 26 Celsius (78.8 Fahrenheit) Humidity 42%
- Today’s run distance: 36.29 km (22.55 miles)
- Run distance to day: 2892.87 km (1797.64miles)
- Song of the day: Chat with Brian Bowers
How do I begin to describe the day? It is one of those days that makes you really think that things happen for a reason.
The run started a little late as Mandy turned off her alarm instead of snoozing it. It was not that late but it started the day off with a little more sleep than we normally get. We all watched the rest of the Bridesmaids movie in the RV at 8am this morning to wake up. Mandy was very hyper about going to the midnight Harry Potter showing tonight.
So I ran for about an hour when a passing cyclist stopped to chat. This was the turning point of the day for me.
I pulled off my headphones and was expecting the normal talk about what I am doing, where I am from, etc. However this was not a normal cyclist or one of the usual people that join me.
The man who joined me was Brian Bowers.
The Farm Prison Fund was an idea that prison is not always the best way to rehabilitate criminals. It is about putting prisoners to work in a farm, teaching them skills, letting them have the opportunity to have something to do when they get out of prison. He is also fund raising and has a booth near Terra Foods at the Busters showing this weekend in Kingston.
Brian left me for a little while after having chatted with me for an hour, and I continued on my way. Thinking about his son who is in the University of Victoria and is an active cyclist, he is apparently quite talented and is working hard to become a professional cyclist.
Then Brian showed up again and took me on a spontaneous tour down King Street, then Front Road which led to Bath Road so we deviated from the #2 for a scenic run out of Kingston along the lake. This was very special because it's been almost 2 years since Brian felt safe enough to bike through downtown since his Brain Injury. However with the CRV behind us he felt good. So it was a very special tour through town that meant so much.
After Brian left us and the fantastic tour was over Mandy joined me for a run for a little while.
It was just one of those day's that makes the hard days so rewarding. We are staying at a hotel tonight. The ladies are off to the midnight launch of the Harry Potter movie and I am going to sleep!!! Tomorrow is a day off from running and a full massage!
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