Trucking Through Carmichael, Tompkins and Piapot by temporallobe at Garmin Connect - Details
- Weather: Low of -4c High of 14c (24.8 to 51.8 F) Sunny little wind.
- Distance for today: 40.18 km (24.97 mi)
- Total Distance to Date: 6234.61 kl (3884.17 miles)
- Song of the Day: "Kashmir" Led Zeppelin (arguably the greatest song, by the greatest band. Way before lip sinking, digital editing, these guys played there instruments and sang live"
The thing with running through the Prairies is, well it all looks like yesterday. It's stunning, and beautiful. I was not expecting it to be full of cover, vibrancy, and well life
see what I mean.
We have driven to a town called Piapot. While looking for a place to park for the night that had some power for us to plug the RV into and I could do my blog.
We met some great people Barbra and John and there fantastic little puppy. Who have allowed us to park outside there home and run an extension cord to there house.
They did invite us inside for tea and I would have very much enjoyed it. I had to upload all my data and pictures of the day and I seriously need to do some stretches. My left leg is not happy with me at the moment.
Hello Piapot |
So I am off to stretch and then pass out.
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