Running by the Serpent River by temporallobe at Garmin Connect - Details
- Weather: High of 26 Celsius (78.8 Fahrenheit) Lot's of rain today.
- Distance for today: 42.16 kl (26.20 miles)
- Total Distance to Date: 3785.52km (2386.99 miles)
- Song of the Day: "Watch The Throne" Kanye and Jay-Z. It's growing on me. Some of the songs stick in your head.
Today was wet, steady and pretty much a straight run day. I like the rain for the most part maybe it's that I don't like the hot as much as I like a little cooler. Growing up in British Columbia we have a milder climate. So today was kind of nice.
As we get closer to the end of the summer there are signs of some of the tourist spots closing down.
The towns are starting to get a little smaller. I do have a big day on Monday that I am looking forward to.
I just focused on running today. There was a lady that pulled over today to make a donation. She new who I was and what I was running for. That caught me off guard. Although after my injury I was used to seeing people I did not recognize. Especially going back to school. I would see people from my classes and have no idea who they were. However this was different. I was very touched by this.
Running in the rain. |
Still running. While the edge of road looks smooth. It's not. It's unstable, and rocky. |
Some of the view I get to see as I run across our beautiful country. |
Yeah I made it to the North Shore. |
It was very handy spot |
This lady stopped to make a donation. |
The river that cannot see. However it's other senses are enhanced. |
What a pretty picture!