· Weather today: 17 Celsius 62.6 Fahrenheit (the morning was very wet)
· Today’s run distance: 43.95 km (27.31 miles)
· Run distance to day: 3482.06km (2167.81 miles)
· Song of the Day: Loose Yourself (Eminem)
Mandy drove the RV around in the parking lot of the Walmart we stayed at this morning as practice, and Melissa drove off to the cottage. After a couple of laps around the parking lot, Mandy's confidence had risen and she was feeling she could handle this new task with such short notice.
We were stopped along the way by two separate ladies one made a donation and the other one made a donation and gave us a 12 pack of water. She told Mandy that the least she could do was provide me with some good drinking water on such a nice day, as it was clear and sunny by this time. It was very thoughtful and sweet. It really meant a lot that people would go out of there way like this. I was very touched and so was Mandy.
We took a rest on the highway and I was changing clothes when I saw a small car backing up down the highway turn off. Most cars don't stop along the highway and we stopped our lunch and headed outside. We crossed the busy turn off and met Kevin who had seen us running and wanted to find out what was going on.
The rain had stopped at this point and I was in a fresh set of clothes and a full belly and we were off again. I ran for another hour, about 10kl and took another shorter break. Then back out I went.
The highway was under construction and we are very wide in the RV as it turned into one lane (one in each direction) and lots of construction and big rigs, so we hugged the side of the road. Occasionally when there was no shoulder at all for Mandy to fit the RV on she would drive ahead and wait for me to catch up. This way we were not stopping traffic.
There were several of those cars that clear the way for over sized vehicles driving up and down the busy highway and I was starting to recognize them as they made their trips. Some of the guys working on the construction also offered some encouragement. I used my same old joke when I see some people a little perplexed at me running down the highway "Vancouver is this way, right?" It usually gets a smile, or at least a look of confusion.
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